1. Download the archive with the Price Master module ( pricemaster_v( current version ).ocmod.zip ).
2. Extract the files from the archive to a convenient folder on your computer.
3. Upload the contents of the " upload " directory via FTP to the root directory of your store (during the process of uploading files, replace all files if you are prompted to do so).
3.1 If you have a dedicated server, set permissions to “0777” for the folders and all their descendants (subfolders and files):
4. Go to the " admin " folder from the main directory of your store:
4.1 Open the file " config.php "
4.2 Check that the driver for the database is:
mpdo - for OpenCart 2x versions.
pdo - for OpenCart 3x versions.
Some builds of OpenCart 3x still require you to specify the " mpdo " driver (try both options if you encounter errors when logging into the admin panel).
5. Setting up " PHP" :
5.1 Make sure that you have installed the version of " PHP" supported by the module:
Supported versions: 5.6, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.1, 8.2
5.2 Make sure that the necessary extensions are enabled in PHP :
5.3 To upload large files, additional “ PHP” settings are required:
If you have a web server , in most cases this is done through the administrative panel of your web server (check with your hoster).
If you have a dedicated server (VPS) - these extensions are enabled in the "php.ini" file
6. Go to the administrative panel of your store and go to System->Users->User Groups
7. Select the " Administrator " group
8. Find “extension/pricemaster” in the access lists and check the boxes, then click the “Save” button (in the upper right corner).
9. Go to Add-ons->Modifiers
10. Click the "Update" button 2 times.
ATTENTION: When clicking the update modifiers button, you must be sure:
1. The OpenCart core code was not changed manually by programmers without adhering to the OpenCart system operating specifications.
2. Previously installed modifiers do not conflict with each other.
The module modifier modifies only the main menu in the admin panel by adding a new item for access to the " Price Maser" module.
After these steps, the Price Master module will be installed and a new item "Price Master" will appear in the main menu of your store.
Next, you will need to obtain a license key to activate the module (See the documentation section " Obtaining a license ").